Germany Newspaper

 One of our good friends has died:

Austria-Hungary had a big lost: 

The Austria Hungarian archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated yesterday by the Black Hand, when he was making a trip in the Sarajevo’s streets with his pregnant wife to be known by the people. The officials had declared that Ferdinand was in an open car passing through the city when Danilo Kavinovi tried to kill him with a bomb but it didn’t work. Ferdinand went to make a ceremony in where he discussed with an authority and after this he went to the hospital to visit the hurt officials and citizens. 

The Archduke and his wife before the muder
 The driver made a mistake in turn on the Franz Joseph Street. Occasionally the boss of the Black Hand, Gavrilo Princip was there and he took advantage of the situation, took the gun and shouted the archduke.

But we all Germany say to you Franz, wherever you are, we will revenge in your name and your nation's name. Don’t worry, they will be sorry. Serbia will pay for her “heroes'” mistakes. The Black Hand will desappear very faster than you think.
Dear Franz Ferdinand, in the name of all Germany: "We will defend yourself".

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